Beth was hardcore in Pushing the Limits and now we know why.� This girl has lived a life of tragedy and betrayal.�� Her anger is the only thing keeping her from completely loosing her mind.� Beth has been taking care of her mother for several years.� Now she does it from her aunt's house because her drugged out mom can't get rid of the loser boyfriend that beats on them both.� At least she has her best friend Isaiah and Noah, who is�like a�brother.� This is her family and what keeps her sane.� That is until one�phone call�to go help her mom changes everything in Beth's world.�Now she is being forced to live with her Uncle Scott who abondaned her when she was little.� He is also forbidding her to have any contact with her previous life.
Ryan is the�All-American Boy�Next Door with a dream to play major league baseball.� Well that is�what everyone�thinks when they look at him and his "perfect" life.� However, Ryan has secrets too.� He also has his best friends to keep him going but his family is tearing him up.� �Ryan and his�friends have a tendency to get carried away in their dares.��And this is what leads him to Beth.�
Ryan and Beth began on a dare.� They have this undeniable pull to each other which begins to fill the emptiness.�� Beth doesn't trust Ryan.� She is aware of the dare and has been burned by a jock before.� Everyone she has ever trusted has let her down, her mother, father, Uncle Scott, and Isaiah.� The strange thing is the safe feeling she has when she is around Ryan.� This is a feeling she only has ever felt with Isaiah.� But the problem is she doesn't plan on staying in this town.� She has to rescue her mother from herself and the abusive boyfriend.�
I love this book and the series.� The characters are real-life struggles.� McGarry described it perfect when Ryan was trying to deal with the life Beth was living.� He was seeing all the horrible things he heard or read about just by driving down a street and going to a party with her friends.� This isn't a story that is built on romance.� It is a story about living a hard life and praying that someone will finally love you back.� I cannot wait for Isaiah's story.�
Thank you Harlequin and NetGalley for allowing me to read.
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