My Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
This book made me crave my movie and television time. I found myself wrapped up in the story and suspense from the beginning. Picture "I am Legend meets Resident Evil" Eve remembers nothing before she arrived at Eden 5 years earlier. She is aware that she is different from everyone else in the colony but as long as she keeps them safe nothing else matters. Only 2 percent of the world's population survive the Evolution. The survivors banned together in the countryside, away from cities and electricity where the Bane flocked. TorBane was a technology that infused human DNA with cybernetic molecules. It had the ability to generate new limbs and organs, improve and save millions of lives. Within 3 months it morphed into something stinger and deadly. The technology was dubbed as "the infection" and could be spread by just touch. The cybernetics saturated every part of your body once you were infected making a soulless, human-looking machine, The Bane. Their goal: infect all.
At only 18 Eve as known nothing but surviving this world. The only emotion she feels is the need to keep the colony safe. That is until West shows up. She feels something is wrong with her and it is distracting her from her job. It takes her a while to realize it is her feelings for West and the one who has always been there for her, Avian. This love triangle is forcing Eve to open her eyes to what being human is all about, love.
The love story and romance fit right into this story. The decisions begin made and the fight for survival are all made worth it by the emotions of all the characters. I never lost faith or respect for Eve because you find yourself cheering her on as she learns how to handle her emotions. I have to admit I had no idea which guy to cheer for because I found myself as confused as Eve did. Both guys obviously love her and would die for her so how do you pick? We have to wait to the very end for her choice. It takes the unknown knowledge of which is infected for Eve to realize which she cannot live without. Even with the decision made I still want more. There are a few cliffhangers letting us know that more is coming. I can't wait! I'm unable to give specifics without giving spoilers so you will have to read it yourself.
Thank you to Keary Taylor and NetGalley for allowing me to read.
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